Thursday, June 19, 2014

Homemade Lemonade

With all of the hot weather (or at least where I am), I thought lemonade would be a great recipe to share. If you haven't tasted lemonade before it is a sweet, tart, and lemony drink. Lemonade is one of the best  refreshing drinks to sip throughout the hot weather. Serves five 8-ounce servings.
4 to 5 medium or large lemons (about 1 cup), juiced
2/3 Cups granulated sugar
4 Cups water, preferably filtered
  1. In a large pitcher combine water, lemon juice, and sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves. Serve immediately over ice or chill until serving time. 
  •  Strawberry lemonade: 6-8 Large strawberries sliced and put into 1 layer of cheese cloth; tie up. Add the strawberries to the pitcher of lemonade and let it sit for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Remove the strawberries, then serve garnishing with new freshly sliced strawberries, if desired.
  • Raspberry lemonade: Use 8-12 raspberries sliced in half, then follow the same instructions as the strawberry lemonade.
  • Arnold Palmer's: Mix 1 part unsweetened tea with 1 part lemonade.
  • Minty Lemonade: Chop up 10 or more large mint leaves and add to the lemonade. Let the lemonade and mint sit for 4 hours in the refrigerator. If you don't want the mint leaves in your tea, put the leaves in cheesecloth, tie it up and add it to the lemonade.
 Refreshing don't you think?
From: Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook (1989)

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